Summer Road Work
May 14 2024
We have some road work repairs scheduled for this year, fully covered through grant funding:
Road repairs:
Main road for Silver Beach requires renovations including mill & overlay work.
Project Area: Silver Beach Road across from approximately lots #55, 59, 81, 91-92 was originally planned. We have reviewed the road, and have added a couple more locations, and noted the extension of some of the failures over the winter – it will be a combination of surface repairs, some mill and overlay and a couple of areas of just overlay to not only repair but re-establish the crown of the road for better drainage as well.
Timeline: Starting May 21, 2024
Micro-pave the roadway:
Project Area: The entire width of the roadway starting at the south end of the Silver Beach Road (the municipal boundary) and go north roughly 1km where the worst of the current segregation ends.
What would be the micro-paving thickness?
Micro surfacing is a surface treatment consisting of manufactured aggregate, portland cement, and polymer-modified asphalt emulsion. Micro surfacing is versatile and may be used for increasing skid resistance, color contrast, rut filling up to 5Omm wheel ruts, longitudinal and transverse crack repair, leveling for proper surface drainage, segregation, raveling, flushing, oxidized surfaces and filling small potholes. On average the thickness will be between 6-10mm but can go up to 50mm to fill larger cracks.
What would be the outcome of the micro-paving project once completed?
The current roadway is well worn and rough with most of the smaller aggregate being worn away. The micro-paving would re-surface the existing roadway, filling the gaps left by the smaller aggregate, re-sealing, and will extend the remaining life of the roadway before further deterioration.
Timeline: Later this summer once the road repairs completed and costing is confirmed