The playground is located next to the beach at Ouimette Park. The grand opening for this playground was held in 2019, so it is a new facility with plenty of elements to entertain the children.
The playground is located next to the beach at Ouimette Park. The grand opening for this playground was held in 2019, so it is a new facility with plenty of elements to entertain the children.
For kids of all ages, the beach volleyball court has been a popular feature. It's similar to indoor volleyball, but it's played outside on the sand, with two players players, and no substitutions. Regular indoor volleyball has six players with six substitutions. You can check out this link to learn all about the rules of beach volleyball.
Ouimette Park has excellent public beach access. It's one of the most popular beaches on Pigeon Lake
To keep our park and community clean, we have installed two critter proof bins in the park. you can recycle refundable beverage containers here.
If you're looking for an easy peaceful hike, our walking trail is located from #16 to #40 Silver Beach Road.
We have community benches located around the Summer Village, and encourage you to take time to rest and enjoy the surroundings. Some of the benches have been donated in memorial to family members. Please contact our office if you would like to donate a bench.